Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Turkey PM accuses Russia of wanting 'ethnic cleansing' in Syria

Turkey's prime minister has accused Russia of attempting "ethnic cleansing" with its air strikes in northern Syria.

Ahmet Davutoglu said Russia's campaign had targeted Turkmen and Sunni communities around the Latakia region.

Relations between Ankara and Moscow have plummeted since Turkey shot down a Russian warplane on the Syrian border.

President Vladimir Putin has asked UK specialists to help analyse the flight recorder in a phone conversation with PM David Cameron, the Kremlin says.

Turkey insists that its F-16 fighters shot down the Russian Su-24 on 24 November because the bomber had trespassed into its airspace. Russia denies this...

  •  Turkey ‘ready to work’ with Russia to prevent repeat of jet downing...

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said on Dec. 9 that Turkey is “ready to work” with Russia to prevent a repeat of incidents similar to the Nov. 24 downing of a Russian fighter jet by Turkey, while also accusing Russia of “ethnic cleansing” of Turkmens in Syria’s Latakia.

“We are ready to work with Russia to prevent similar incidents in the aftermath of the downing of the Russian jet,” Davutoğlu said at a meeting with representatives from the foreign press in Istanbul, while reserving harsh words for Moscow’s actions in Latakia.

“Russia is trying to create a safe zone for itself by isolating the Turkmen and Sunni population from Latakia and also trying to safeguard the Russian and Syrian bases,” he said, describing the Russian targeting of Turkmen groups as “ethnic cleansing.”

Davutoğlu also added that the Russian bombing of the Azez region, while also cutting the supply lines of moderate opposition groups, only served the interests of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

The Turkish prime minister also referred to the controversial deployment of Turkish soldiers to Mosul as an “act of solidarity” rather than aggression, amid increasing threats from ISIL against Turkish soldier trainers.

Meanwhile, he also expressed optimism over “turning a new page” in EU-Turkey relations, heralding the fact that the relaxation in visa rules for Turkish citizens traveling in the EU would be completed in between six and nine months.


  1. Syrie : la Turquie accuse la Russie de tentative de "nettoyage ethnique"...

    Alors qu'Ankara et Moscou traversent une grave crise diplomatique depuis la destruction d'un avion russe par la Turquie, le Premier ministre turc Ahmet Davutoglu a accusé la Russie de tentative de "nettoyage ethnique" en Syrie.

    Un peu plus de deux semaines après la destruction par la Turquie d’un chasseur-bombardier russe à la frontière syrienne, la tension continue de monter entre les deux pays. Le Premier ministre turc Ahmet Davutoglu a ainsi accusé, mercredi 9 décembre, Moscou de chercher à commettre un "nettoyage ethnique" dans la province syrienne de Lattaquié.

    "Ils veulent expulser [les Turkmènes et les sunnites], ils veulent le nettoyage ethnique de cette région pour que les bases du régime et de la Russie à Lattaquié et à Tartous soient protégées", a-t-il ainsi expliqué lors d'une rencontre avec des correspondants de presse étrangers à Istanbul.

    Le chef du gouvernement a également affirmé que les frappes russes contre les rebelles combattant l'Organisation État islamique étaient "en train de renforcer" les

  2. Davutoglu wirft Russland ethnische Säuberungen vor...

    Der türkische Ministerpräsident Davutoglu wirft Russland vor, in Syrien gezielt gegen die turkmenische und sunnitische Bevölkerung vorzugehen. Die russischen Operationen gegen gemäßigte Rebellen seien eine indirekte Unterstützung des IS.

    Im Konflikt mit Moskau hat die türkische Regierung Russland ethnische Säuberungen in Syrien und eine indirekte Unterstützung der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) vorgeworfen. „Russland versucht, ethnische Säuberungen - Sie können das schreiben, ethnische Säuberungen - im Norden Latakias auszuführen“, sagte Ministerpräsident Ahmet Davutoglu am Mittwoch bei einem Gespräch mit Korrespondenten westlicher Medien in Istanbul. Der Regierungschef warnte vor einem Ansturm von Millionen neuer Flüchtlinge aus Syrien, sollten die russischen Bombardements dort fortgesetzt

  3. Başbakan Davutoğlu: Rusya Lazkiye'nin kuzeyinde etnik temizlik yapmaya çalışıyor...

    Başbakan Ahmet Davutoğlu, Davutoğlu, bir grup yabancı basın mensubuna, gündeme ilişkin değerlendirmelerde bulundu.

    Suriye'nin kuzey batısındaki Lazkiye'de Rusya'nın artan hava saldırılarına değinen Davutoğlu, operasyonların bölgedeki Türkmen ve Sünni toplulukları hedef aldığına dikkati çekti.

    Davutoğlu, Rusya'nın eyleminin milyonlarca sivili daha bölgeden göçe zorlayabileceğinin altını çizerek, "Rusya Lazkiye'nin kuzeyinde etnik temizlik yapmaya çalışıyor"


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