Tuesday, January 5, 2016

All Arms Dealers in US Must Obtain Licenses - (Obama)

 People involved in trading firearms in the United States will be required to obtain special licenses and carry out background checks of their customers, President Barack Obama said on Tuesday in announcing an executive action on gun control.
“Anybody in the business of selling firearms must get a license and conduct background checks or be subject to criminal prosecutions,” Obama stated.

According to Obama, the US government is implementing measures to improve the existing background check system to prevent criminals from purchasing arms.

“We are also taking steps to make the background check system more efficient,” Obama stated. “We are going to hire more folks to process applications faster, and we are going to bring the outdated background check system into the 21 century.”

Moreover, the United States will augment its background check system by guaranteeing mental health records are sent to the weapons background probes.

“We are going to ensure that [US] federal mental health records are submitted to the background check system and remove barriers that prevent states from reporting relevant information,” Obama stated in his announcement at The White House.

The president noted that the US government will also ensure US citizens who are mentally unstable are offered expanded care opportunities.

“That’s why we are going to invest $500 million dollars to expand access to treatment across the country,” Obama explained. “Nearly two in three gun deaths are from suicides.”

However, according to the US president, significant changes in US gun laws will not happen in the coming year.

"Yes, it [implementing safer gun laws] will be hard. And it won’t happen overnight. It won’t happen during this Congress. It won’t happen during my presidency," Obama said.

The president underscored that the executive action on guns does not violate US citizens’ constitutional rights concerning bearing and keeping arms.

Gun control has become a major issue after a wave of massacres by Islamic extremists and mentally disturbed individuals swept the United States in 2015.


1 comment:

  1. Reform des US-Waffenrechts: Obama stellt unter Tränen seine Pläne vor ...

    Das gab es wohl noch nie: Ein US-Präsident stellt mit Tränen im Gesicht seine Pläne vor. So geschehen heute im Weißen Haus. Es ging um ein Thema, das Präsident Obama seit langem umtreibt: die Reform der US-Waffengesetze. Die Waffenlobby reagierte kämpferisch.

    Bei der Vorstellung seiner Pläne für ein strengeres Waffenrecht hat US-Präsident Barack Obama den dringenden Reformbedarf unterstrichen. Jedes Jahr stürben mehr als 30.000 Amerikanern durch Waffengewalt. Die USA seien das einzige entwickelte Land, das in einer derartigen Häufigkeit mit "dieser Art von massenhafter Gewalt" konfrontiert sei. Die "ständigen Ausreden für das Nichtstun" seien nicht mehr haltbar.

    In seiner emotionalen Ansprache brach der Präsident in Tränen aus. Er sagte, es erschüttere ihn jedes Mal wieder aufs Neue, wenn er an die 20 Erstklässler denke, die im Dezember 2012 an der Grundschule Sandy Hook in Newtown im Staat Connecticut erschossen worden seien. Er erinnerte auch an die Opfer in einer Kirche in South Carolina oder in Kinos in Colorado und Louisiana. Obama musste seine Rede stoppen, um sich eine Träne aus dem linken Auge zu tupfen. Dann rannen ihm Tränen über beide Wangen, bevor er fortfuhr.............http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/obama-waffenrecht-plaene-101.html


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