Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Blast hits Istanbul's tourist area, casualites reported

At least eight people were killed after a suspected suicide bomber detonated himself in the historic center of Turkey's largest city Istanbul on Tuesday.

Ambulances and police were dispatched to the site of the blast near the famous Blue Mosque.

While it is still unconfirmed, Turkey's Hurriyet news site reported that the suicide bomber who detonated himself next to a group of tourists.

According to local media, Turkish police prevented another suicide bomber from blowing herself up in the same neighborhood shortly after the blast.

The force of the blast was sufficient to be heard in adjacent neighborhoods, witnesses said. TV reports said several were wounded but there was no further detail on the toll.

Turkey is on alert after 103 people were killed on October 10 when two suicide bombers attacked a crowd of peace activists in the capital Ankara, the bloodiest strike in the country's modern history...



  1. Reports from Turkey say an explosion has rocked the center of Istanbul, causing some casualties...

    The explosion occurred on January 12 in Sultanahmet Square, a major tourist attraction.

    Police sealed off the square after the blast.

    The Sultanahmet neighborhood is Istanbul's main sightseeing area and includes the Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, and the Blue Mosque.

    The blast in Turkey's largest city comes after a series of deadly attacks across the country in past months.....http://www.rferl.org/content/turkey-istanbul-blast/27482892.html

  2. Bei einer Explosion in der Istanbuler Innenstadt sind nach offiziellen Angaben am Dienstag mindestens zehn Menschen getötet worden. 15 weitere Personen seien verletzt worden, hieß es auf der Internetseite des Gouverneurs...

    Ein Behördenvertreter sprach mittlerweile vom Verdacht eines Terroranschlags.

    Der Sender CNN Türk berichtete, zu der Detonation sei es auf dem Sultanahmet-Platz in der Umgebung der Hagia Sophia und der Blauen Moschee gekommen. Die beiden weltberühmten Gebäude gehören zu den beliebtesten Touristenattraktionen der Türkei. Die Polizei habe den Ort der Explosion weiträumig abgesperrt, berichtete DHA...http://kurier.at


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