Thursday, June 1, 2023

Dmitry Medvedev called Ukraine's actions against Russia a terrorist attack damaging the civilian population and nothing more

The strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on Russian territories are a terrorist attack and cannot be qualified as military actions. This was announced on June 1 by Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia (SB RF), when he visited the Prudboy combined-arms training ground in the Volgograd Region.

“Everyone understands that this is a terrorist attack. This is not a military battle and not a military action. It does not fit into the rules of war. What is the purpose of such an attack? Cause damage to the civilian population, and nothing more,” said the politician.

Medvedev explained that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) used by Ukraine cannot damage either military facilities in Russia or state administration facilities. They are directed only against civilians.

“This is a terrorist act. And it can be answered in only one way - any state does not agree with terrorists, they must be destroyed. And those who are behind them. Moreover, not only in a personal capacity, it is necessary to destroy the hornet's nest itself. The regime that has developed in Ukraine must be destroyed, otherwise constant threats will come from there, ”he concluded.


  1. Удары Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) по российским территориям являются террористической атакой и не могут быть квалифицированы как военные действия. Об этом 1 июня заявил заместитель председателя Совета безопасности России (СБ РФ) Дмитрий Медведев, посетив общевойсковой полигон Прудбой в Волгоградской области.

    «Всем же понятно, что это террористическая атака. Это не военное сражение и не военное действие. Она не укладывается в правила ведения войны. Какую цель может преследовать такая атака? Причинить ущерб гражданскому населению, и только», — отметил политик.

    Медведев пояснил, что используемые Украиной беспилотные летательные аппараты (БПЛА) не могут нанести ущерб ни военным объектам в России, ни объектам госуправления. Они направлены только против мирных граждан.

    «Это террористический акт. И на него можно отвечать только одним способом — с террористами любое государство не договаривается, их нужно уничтожать. И тех, кто за ними стоит. Причем, не только в личном качестве, нужно уничтожить само осиное гнездо. Режим, который сложился на Украине, должен быть уничтожен, иначе оттуда будут исходить постоянные угрозы», — резюмировал он.

  2. Russia’s special military operation has turned into a counter-terrorist fight to a significant degree, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said Thursday, adding that it is necessary to destroy the "hornets’ nest of the terrorist Kiev regime."

    "A counter-terrorist fight is effectively what the special op has largely turned into. Because we fight against terrorists who kill our people," Medvedev said during his visit to the Prudboy military ground in the Volgograd Region.

    According to Medvedev, "the response is clear."

    "They must be eliminated. And not only individually - it is necessary to destroy the hornets’ nest itself, the regime that emerged in Ukraine, it must be exterminated, it must be destroyed," Medvedev underscored.

    Otherwise, "a threat will constantly originate from there," the official said, adding that "it will be necessary to constantly carry out operations like the one that has been […] going on for over a year already."

    "There must be no doubts," Medvedev underscored.


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