Monday, January 20, 2014

Kiev police suffers $375,000 in damages after Sunday clashes

Clashes between demonstrators rallying against new laws restricting public protests and police continue in Ukraine’s capital, but law enforcers keep the situation under control.

KIEV, January 20.7 /ITAR-TASS/. Police in Kiev suffered a damage of $375,000 following fierce clashes with protesters on Sunday in the centre of the Ukrainian capital, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry said on Monday.
“They [protesters] burnt down four police busses and two special task vehicles,” Sergei Burlakov said. “The cost of the damage is estimated at three million hryvni [$375,000].”

Burlakov said clashes between demonstrators rallying against new laws restricting public protests and police continue in Ukraine’s capital, but law enforcers keep the situation under control.

Several dozen of protesters have been rallying on central Grushevskogo Street since Sunday and they are periodically hurling stones and Molotov cocktails at policemen, who in turn cast at the demonstrators stun and gas grenades. Some of the protesters attempt building barricades.

Burlakov said that some 100 policemen already sought a medical assistance since the clashes erupted on Sunday and 61 of them were put in hospitals. About 20 of demonstrators were detained, he added.

The municipal authorities’ press service earlier reported citing data from the Kiev healthcare department that over a hundred of protesters also turned for a medical assistance following the clashes.


  1. Ukrainian protesters lose their eyes and hands in violent clashes...

    Forty-two protesters, who took part in violent clashes with police in Kiev's government quarters, were hospitalized with severe injuries. Three of them lost their eyes in the fighting, another man lost his hand, Director of the Department of Health of the Kiev city administration, Vitaly Mokhorev said.

    Most of the injured suffered injuries of their eyes. Vitaly Mokhorev could neither confirm nor deny the information that the police used rubber bullets to disperse demonstrators.
    "We can only say that it was eye contusion, and it is up to physicians to establish the causes.
    Most of those who were hospitalized are Kiev residents, but there are people from other Ukrainian regions too.
    Opposition activists were reportedly armed with two-meter-long sticks. Aggressive protesters burned several police buses and cars. They also threw boulders at riot police. About a hundred riot police officers were injured, 60 of them were hospitalized.

  2. Ukraine: pas de sanctions européennes pour le moment (Bildt)...

    Les chefs de diplomatie des pays de l'Union européenne n'entendent pas pour le moment instaurer des sanctions contre les autorités ukrainiennes en raison d'une situation "alarmante" en Ukraine, a déclaré lundi à Bruxelles le ministre suédois des Affaires étrangères Carl Bildt.

    "Il n'en est pas question pour le moment. Nous examinons différents instruments que nous pourrions utiliser, en suivant de près l'évolution de la situation (…). Bien des choses sont à l'étude", a indiqué M.Bildt, répondant à la question de savoir s'il n'était pas temps d'envisager des sanctions sélectives contre Kiev.

    La crise politique en Ukraine a été évoquée lundi lors d'une réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'UE dans la capitale belge.

    L'Ukraine connaît depuis le 21 novembre dernier des manifestations engendrées par la décision du gouvernement de suspendre la préparation de son accord d'association avec l'Union européenne. Selon Bruxelles, Kiev a renoncé à signer l'accord d'association avec l'UE au profit d'un rapprochement avec Moscou.

    De violents affrontements entre la police et les manifestants ont repris à Kiev dimanche 19 janvier. Réunis rue Grouchevski (non loin de la fameuse place de l'Indépendance), les protestataires ont érigé une barricade et attaqué les policiers à coups de pierres, de fumigènes et de cocktails Molotov, faisant une centaine de blessés. Lundi matin, un groupe de manifestants a tenté de percer le barrage policier autour du quartier gouvernemental de la capitale ukrainienne.

    Les forces de l'ordre ont riposté en tirant des grenades assourdissantes et des gaz lacrymogènes. Une vingtaine de fauteurs de troubles ont été interpellés.

  3. Russia's Sergei Lavrov: Ukraine getting 'out of control'....

    Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned that protests in Ukraine are "getting out of control".

    He described violent clashes between anti-government protesters and police as "scary" and accused EU politicians of stirring up the situation.

    Tuesday saw an uneasy standoff on the street of the capital after a second consecutive night of clashes.

    Young men threw fireworks and petrol bombs at police guarding the road leading up to the Ukrainian parliament.

    Police violently beat some protesters.

    Protesters have been camped out in Kiev since late November, angered by the government's turn to Moscow and its rejection of a planned treaty with the EU.

    An array of new anti-protest laws, hastily passed by parliament last week, will come into force on Wednesday.

    Mr Lavrov's warning came after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych on Monday cautioned that the violence threatened the country's stability.

    "Members of several European governments rushed to the Maidan without any invitation and took part in anti-government demonstrations in a country with which they have diplomatic ties," Mr Lavrov said, referring to the square in which protesters have been encamped for many weeks.

    "This is simply indecent."

    He did not name names, but European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and the then German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle visited the protesters in December, as did US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland..............

  4. Russische Duma gegen Einmischung des Westens in Ukraine...

    Die russische Staatsduma ruft westliche Politiker auf, sich nicht in die souveränen Angelegenheiten der Ukraine einzumischen.

    Das geht aus dem Entwurf einer Erklärung hervor, die der Duma-Ausschuss für die Angelegenheiten der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (GUS) im Zusammenhang mit der jüngsten Zuspitzung in der Ukraine dem Unterhaus zur Diskussion vorgelegt hat. „Die Staatsduma ruft westliche politische Kreise auf, die sich in Verletzung völkerrechtlicher Normen in die inneren Angelegenheiten der souveränen Ukraine einmischen, den Konflikt weiter nicht zu fördern.“

    Die russischen Parlamentarier wollen auch an die Oppositionskräfte der Ukraine appellieren, auf die Gewalt, in welcher Form auch immer, zu verzichten, einen konstruktiven Dialog mit den Behörden aufzunehmen und alle Probleme der Ukraine gemäß der Verfassung und der nationalen Gesetzgebung zu lösen. „Die Duma äußert die Hoffnung darauf, dass das ukrainische Volk seine historische Weisheit im Interesse einer stabilen Zukunft der unabhängigen Ukraine an den Tag legt.“
    Zusammenstöße bei Demonstrationen in Kiew: Blut, Rauch und brennende Autos
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    „Für die Zuspitzung der Lage in der Ukraine sind neben Vertretern der extremistisch gesinnten Teils der Opposition auch westliche Vertreter mitverantwortlich, die sich in die Angelegenheiten der souveränen Ukraine grob einmischen und an Kundgebungen der Opposition teilnehmen.“ „Der Druck auf die Ukraine von außen ist unzulässig, ebenso wie das Aufzwingen der geopolitischen Wahl zugunsten der Assoziierung Kiews mit der Europäischen Union“, hieß es im Entwurf der Erklärung.

  5. Number of policemen wounded in Kiev riots rises to 218...

    KIEV, January 23. /ITAR-TASS/. The number of policemen, who were wounded in riots in Kiev, rose to 218. Ninety-nine of them were taken to hospital, the press service of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported on Thursday.

    “Wounded people were diagnosed with head injuries, bone fractures, burns, lacerated wounds and poisoning with unclear substances,” the press service said.

    Clashes between protesters and police have been going on in Grushevsky Street since January 19.


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