Saturday, March 29, 2014

Readout of the President’s Call with President Putin

The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, March 28, 2014:
"President Putin called President Obama today to discuss the U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the crisis in Ukraine, which Secretary Kerry had again presented to Foreign Minister Lavrov at the meeting at the Hague earlier this week, and which we developed following U.S. consultations with our Ukrainian and European partners.  

President Obama suggested that Russia put a concrete response in writing and the presidents agreed that Kerry and Lavrov would meet to discuss next steps.

President  Obama noted that the Ukrainian government continues to take a restrained and de-escalatory approach to the crisis and is moving ahead with constitutional reform and democratic elections, and urged Russia to support this process and avoid further provocations, including the buildup of forces on its border with Ukraine.

President Obama underscored to President Putin that the United States continues to support a diplomatic  path in close consultation with the Government of Ukraine and in support of the Ukrainian people with the aim of de-escalation of the crisis. 

 President Obama made clear that this remains possible only if Russia pulls back its troops and does not take any steps to further violate Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.  

President Obama reiterated that the United States has strongly opposed the actions that Russia has already taken to violate Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."


  1. Ukraine: Poutine appelle Obama, les points de vue "se rapprochent"...

    Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a appelé vendredi Barack Obama pour parler d'une proposition américaine de sortie de crise en Ukraine, qui craint une invasion de sa partie orientale après la perte de la Crimée. Le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov estime que les points de vue de la Russie et des Occidentaux sur la crise ukrainienne se rapprochaient, ouvrant la voie à une possible "initiative commune", et a exclu toute nouvelle intervention militaire.

    "Nos points de vue se rapprochent. Ma dernière rencontre avec le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry à La Haye et mes contacts avec l'Allemagne, la France et d'autres pays montrent que s'esquisse la possibilité d'une initiative commune qui pourrait être proposée à l'Ukraine", a déclaré le chef de la diplomatie russe sur la chaîne russe Vesti......

  2. Russia Says No Intention of Invading Ukraine ..

    Russia's foreign minister says Moscow has no plans to send troops across the border into Ukraine.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told state television on Saturday that Moscow had absolutely no intention of and interest in crossing Ukraine's borders after the seizure of Crimea.

    The remarks came a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin called U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss a U.S. proposal for resolving the crisis in Ukraine. U.S. officials say the de-escalation proposal was fully coordinated with the Ukrainian govern

    The White House said Obama suggested that Putin offer a written response to the proposed diplomatic solution presented to Foreign Minister Lavrov by Secretary of State John Kerry earlier in the week.

    A White House statement about the call did not give details of the proposal Kerry gave Lavrov, but the U.S. has been pressing Russia to pull back its troops to their Crimean bases and allow international monitors to go into Crimea to assure that the ethnic Ukrainian minority there is safe.

    President Obama said the Ukrainian government continued to take a "restrained and de-escalatory" approach to the crisis and urged Russia to support this process and avoid further provocation.

    Lavrov and Kerry are expected to meet again in the coming days to discuss the next steps.

    Earlier, in an interview with CBS, Obama said Russia's military moves near the Ukrainian border may be an effort to intimidate Ukraine.

    Meanwhile, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Putin has assured him that Russia had no intention of making additional moves into Ukrainian territory.

    The head of Ukraine's national security council said Russia has around 100,000 troops along Ukraine's borders in the north, south, and east. He said Russian forces were in full readiness to strike. Western experts believe the number of Russian forces near eastern and southern Ukraine is close to 30,000.

    Also Friday, Russia described as "counterproductive" a U.N. resolution that refuses to recognize its annexation of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine. Russia's Foreign Ministry said the U.N. General Assembly resolution will only complicate efforts to settle Ukraine's internal political crisis.

    Crimea's majority Russian residents voted to break away from Ukraine and join Russia in a referendum earlier this month that Western powers deemed illegal.

    Ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych called Friday for referendums to determine the status of all Ukrainian regions. He said only a nationwide referendum and not an early presidential election can stabilize Ukraine and preserve its sovereignty and integrity.


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