Monday, October 13, 2014

Iraq denies presence of IS militants near Baghdad airport. The reports also said that militants are armed shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles (MANPADS)

The Iraqi Defense Ministry on Monday denied the reported presence of Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) militants in Abu Ghraib area near Baghdad international airport, stressing that security is under control.

"The reports about (IS militants) seizing Abu Ghraib area are not true," Lt. Gen. Qasim Atta said. "Life is normal in the town of Abu Ghraib."

Abu Ghraib, some 25 km west of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, is just northwest of Baghdad international airport. The area is part of a volatile Sunni Arab area west of Baghdad that stretches through Anbar province to Iraq's western borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Atta was responding to recent foreign media reports that clashes have been underway for more than a week between Iraqi security forces and IS militants, who are advancing toward the Iraqi capital.

  • The reports also said that militants are armed shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles (MANPADS) that could threaten planes flying in and out of Baghdad airport.
Security in the west of Baghdad have been deteriorating, especially since December when fierce clashes flared up after police dismantled an anti-government protest site outside Ramadi.
Sources: Xinhua -


  1. Secreta alemã crê que "jihadistas" podem abater aviões comerciais ...

    Os serviços secretos da Alemanha acreditam que os "jihadistas" do grupo Estado Islâmico no norte do Iraque têm armamento antiaéreo capaz de abater aviões comerciais, noticiou este domingo o jornal alemão "Bild am Sonntag".

    Responsáveis da secreta (BND) deram conta desta suspeita numa reunião confidencial com deputados alemães na semana passada, segundo o jornal, sem identificar as fontes.

    Na reunião, os responsáveis do BND advertiram que os "jihadistas" têm lança-mísseis portáteis que capturaram ao exército sírio, alguns dos anos 1970, outros mais modernos e avançados.

    Os lança-mísseis, conhecidos como Man Portable Air Defense Systems ou MANPADS, são de conceção russa mas podem ter sido fabricados noutros países, como a Bulgária ou a China, segundo o jornal.

    1. BND warnt: ISIS kann Passagier-Jets abschießen ...

      Jetzt bereitet eine Warnung des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND) neue Sorgen. Ende vergangener Woche unterrichtete der Auslandsgeheimdienst nach Informationen von BILD am SONNTAG Abgeordnete des Bundestages in einer vertraulichen Sitzung darüber, dass die ISIS-Terroristen im Nordirak mittlerweile hochmoderne Luftabwehrwaffen besitzen. ISIS ist laut BND sogar in der Lage, Passagierflugzeuge abzuschießen........................

    2. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant militants have the capability to hit passenger planes, according to intelligence reported in a German newspaper......

      Bild am Sonntag claimed that ISIL has portable anti-aircraft weapons, known as MANPADS, which pose a threat to airliners passing through Middle Eastern air space.

      ISIL can target planes flying over northern Iraq, according to a report which Bild am Sonntag gathered from a briefing by the German Federal Intelligence Service to German MPs.

      The intelligence service supposes that the anti-aircraft weapons were taken from Syrian army arsenals and can be used to hit planes while they take off or land...................


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