Saturday, December 20, 2014

US State Department issues worldwide travel alert

The United States issued a worldwide travel alert Friday (Dec 19), warning Americans to be vigilant during the holiday period, especially in the wake of a deadly siege in Australia.

Sydney this week saw a dramatic siege in a cafe that began Monday and left two hostages and a gunman dead.

"The lone wolf attack in Sydney, Australia ... resulting in the deaths of two hostages, is a reminder that US citizens should be extra cautious, maintain a very high level of vigilance and take appropriate steps to enhance their personal security," the State Department alert read.

The agency said an analysis of past attacks "strongly suggests" terrorists this holiday season are focusing not only on US government facilities but also on hotels, shopping areas, places of worship and schools.

"US citizens abroad should be mindful that terrorist groups and those inspired by them can pose unpredictable threats in public venues," the alert said.
- AFP/by


  1. The US Embassy in Pakistan has warned American nationals against the possible threats to their residences in the country...

    "The embassy has been informed of plans by terror groups to gain access to US citizen residences through visits by construction, maintenance, or utility companies, as well as other technical service providers,"the embassy said Saturday.

    The alert was issued days after a group of the Taliban militants massacred nearly 150 children and staff members of an army school in the northwestern city of Peshawar. The security forces have stepped up operations against the militants across the country following the brutal attack on the school.

    Pakistan also resumed executions in terrorism-related cases after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday ended a four-year unofficial moratorium on death penalty. "US citizens should be extremely cautious about granting access to their residences, even to established companies, for the immediate future,"the US Embassy said in a statement. "Recent terror attacks in Peshawar and the resulting Pakistan government response may raise the possibility for future threats," it said.....................

  2. les Etats-Unis lancent un appel à la vigilance pour leurs ressortissants ...

    C'est une des conséquences directes de la prise d'otages qui a ensanglanté Sydney en début de semaine. Même si tout laisse croire que Man Haron Monis, qui a été tué lors de l'assaut, a agit seul et sans réel lien avec une organisation terroriste, les Etats-Unis mettent en garde leurs ressortissants qui voyagent à l'étranger.

    Le département d'Etat américain vient effet de publier une mise en garde très claire : selon lui, l'attaque contre un café à Sydney, en Australie, en début de semaine sonne comme un "rappel" qui devrait conduire "les citoyens américains (Ndlr : voyageant à l'étranger) à être très prudents, à rester très vigilants et à prendre les mesures et précautions appropriées afin de renforcer leur sécurité personnelle".

    "L'analyse des derniers incidents et déclaration, suggèrent fortement que les terrorises pourraient cibler des installations du gouvernement américain, mais aussi des hôtels, des centres commerciaux, des lieux de cultes et des écoles". Si le département d'Etat ne donne aucun élément sur d'éventuelles informations en sa possession et fait courrir l'alerte de manière quasi-mécanique jusqu'au 19 mars prochain, il souligne cependant que la vigilance des touristes doit être particulièrement forte pendant la période des fêtes et en période de congés scolaires................


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